Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, March 25, 2013

7 weeks minus a day

Tomorrow our Sam will be 7 weeks! He really has been such a blessing. He loves being held - in arms or in a carrier, and is learning to smile and coo. He has recently started playing with his tongue and sticking it out. I'm so in love with his little faces. He's a little more than 12 lbs, wearing size 1 diapers, and 0-3 month clothes. And just as a what to expect - he goes through 8 or 9 diapers a day and nurses anywhere from 2 to 3 hours throughout the day. 
He's started liking to look at the mirror above his swing and will smile at me in the mirror. He is normally calm during diaper changes now, and will push off with his legs while he's being held or nursed (which makes him fall off his latch and get frustrated and that's probably when I get the most frustrated. He's his own worst enemy).
I'm often impressed by his tooting but he's not too much of a burper. He still makes the cutest sigh after he sneezes, but we have yet to capture it on video. So as I've mentioned, Joey works swing shifts so it's a little hard to keep up with what day it is. We haven't completely worked a schedule but I have high hopes for the future. In addition to Sam's schedule, I look forward to having a day that I meal plan, a day for grocery shopping, and a cleaning schedule. Although we aren't really doing AP and I try to apply parental directing, I do use Sam's hungry cues a lot of when he eats, and try to get him back to sleep within 2 hours of when he woke up. He seems to prefer cat naps during the day, but that's okay.
At this point, I try to have a goal for the day for accomplishment (sweeping the kitchen, uploading pictures, etc.) and if more gets done great. I'm so glad I get to spend the day with our little boy!

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