Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, June 15, 2012

7 weeks, 2 days - exhaustion

I'm tired, all of the time. I have a new level of respect in particular for pregnant ladies that are already moms. I know God can give us grace for the stage we're in, but it's hard to imagine having more important responsibilities in addition to what I already have. It's hard to be as good of a wife, employee,  friend, house cleaner, or dog-mom as I want to be. Multitasking is so much harder, it's hard to remember things, and I do just about all I can to get through the task at hand. Joey's been a ginormous help, taking care of the our boys plus Cooper as often as he can, doing 99% of the dishes and 90% of anything getting put away, as well as picking groceries or running errands, and doing anything to help me sleep better at night. (He does even more, I'm just struggling to remember). The workout video I did last night was the fun moderate-intensity cardio. The instructor was extremely peppy, encouraging the watchers with reminders of how good working out is for you and the baby, you'll sleep better, you'll look better, you're being healthy, etc., just about non-stop. I wasn't that annoyed though, because the encouragement is almost needed to push through the "I just want to take a nap" thoughts. So basically, I understand why pregnant women are tired, and I just can't believe I didn't really know about it. I'm thankful I'll know how to be understanding for my family and friends when the time comes for them. I'm so thankful God gives us the strength to get through each day.


  1. It is VERY hard to get through the exhaustion!! But you can do it! You have a wonderful husband who will support you and take care of you (and I know you know that). :) And the exhaustion does get better eventually...I don't think it ever fully goes away, but it gets much, much better (and then seems to come and go, at least for me).

    1. I love to read of the expansion of your sensitivity for others and your great appreciation of your precious Joey!
