Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, October 18, 2012

25 weeks, 1 day

So Joey is working Day shifts this week, and leaves before I get up. We'll be away this weekend, but will probably get a 25 week picture with the board on Monday (5 days late). Until then, here is a quickie I shot in the bathroom and felt a little silly doing. hehe:

A Few Updates:
  • Little man has been pounding during the night - sometimes I wake up sore, but I'm so thankful to feel him. He should be pretty active from now through week 32 or 34 (when there's a little less room).
  • I still have to write down almost everything I want to remember. If someone catches me in the hallway, I'll have them walk with me to my office so I can get my notebook. 
  • Looking forward to my next appointment next Wednesday! We'll schedule the glucose challenge test and a few shots I need to take (whooping cough and the one for Rh factor). 

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